Better Than Inspired

Finally getting my bearings on photography wooo!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Up Up and Away

    I'm completely excited I've finally launched, Better Than Inspired. Welcome also, even if you maybe the small few reading or following along, I think you're pretty awesome.

Better Than Inspired basically formed out of pure curiosity because I'd always have tons of ideas or trying out new things like homemade recipes, adventuring to new locations and craft projects on a grand scale (i.e. a kitchen table, a balcony set up or even art work). To sum it all up things that I'd initially think were too hard or even crazy to accomplish I'd try and file it under "hit" or "miss." Hope for more "HITS" though because let's face it being a college student without a career can cause a sparse pocket book to vanish, quickly.......sadness.

This brings me to a little bit about myself, less than eight months ago I decided before loosing majority of my early 20's and planting myself in lovely California for good I'd finish undergrad in Denver, Colorado. I figured it would be the perfect place to push myself out of my comfort zone, experience great weather, and get a feel of living on my own. Oh and guess what? Moving to Denver was one of my first crazy ideas, go figure and it was definitely a great choice. Here's to spur of the moment ideas, I can't wait to start sharing and photographing it all!

I'd definitely would love to hear from you guys feel free to comment, email and tweet! Can't wait to meet all of you :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited you decided to create a blog finally. Will you come back to CA and make me food or become my personal chef! kbye


Post Away :)